Apr 30, 2009


What I'll need you to bring if you have elected to have your final critique tonight.:

1. Upload your site to the Moravian Hosting. You will be talking about it in class tonight.

2. Make sure all your old work is still there and you know where it is:
Old work includes:
a. Print to web layout
b. website mock up
c. first web layout project

3. Write up a self critique about your portfolio.
a. What do you like about what you did?
b. What do you think you could have done better?
c. What stumbling blocks did you have to overcome to finish it?
d. What is one thing you have to remember to make your next web project easier that you learned
doing this one?

If you have elected to do your final critique on the 5th:
1. Upload your site to the Moravian Hosting even if its not complete.
You will be speaking about it tonight.

2. Complete numbers two (2) and three (3) from the list above and them ready by your allotted time slot on Tuesday.

Apr 16, 2009

jQuery! LightBox!

Apr 9, 2009


Hi all,
Something came up and I have to cancel class tonight.
Please continue your layout designs. If you feel you have reached a good point to cross over to layout in HTML, start your HTML layouts.

I hope everyone has a good vacation! See you on Tuesday.

If you need any help with anything feel free to email me.
